Mxnet Intro To Module Api

Module - MXNet’s high-level interface for neural network training.

In this tutorial, we will use a simple multilayer perception for 10 classes and a synthetic dataset.

One example

1. model

import mxnet as mx
from data_iter import SyntheticData

net = mx.sym.Variable('data')
net = mx.sym.FullyConnected(net, name='fc1', num_hidden=64)
net = mx.sym.Activation(net, name='relu1', act_type="relu")
net = mx.sym.FullyConnected(net, name='fc2', num_hidden=10)
net = mx.sym.SoftmaxOutput(net, name='softmax')
# synthetic 10 classes dataset with 128 dimension 
data = SyntheticData(10, 128)

I learned the data_iter and SyntheticData from mxnet-notebooks/python/basic/

2. Module

The most widely used module class is Module, which wraps a Symbol and one or more Executors.

We construct a module by specify:

  • symbol : the network Symbol
  • context : the device (or a list of devices) for execution
  • data_names : the list of data variable names
  • label_names : the list of label variable names
mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=net, 

3. Train, Predict, and Evaluate

import logging


To predict with a module, simply call predict() with a DataIter. It will collect and return all the prediction results.

y = mod.predict(data.get_iter(batch_size))

If we do not need the prediction outputs, but just need to evaluate on a test set, we can call the score() function with a DataIter and a EvalMetric:

mod.score(data.get_iter(batch_size), ['mse', 'acc'])

Module as a computation “machine”

We already seen how to module for basic training and inference. Now we are going to show a more flexiable usage of module.

A module represents a computation component. The design purpose of a module is that it abstract a computation “machine”, that accpets Symbol programs and data, and then we can run forward, backward, update parameters, etc.

We aim to make the APIs easy and flexible to use, especially in the case when we need to use imperative API to work with multiple modules (e.g. stochastic depth network).

A module has several states:

  • Initial state. Memory is not allocated yet, not ready for computation yet.
  • Binded. Shapes for inputs, outputs, and parameters are all known, memory allocated, ready for computation.
  • Parameter initialized. For modules with parameters, doing computation before initializing the parameters might result in undefined outputs.
  • Optimizer installed. An optimizer can be installed to a module. After this, the parameters of the module can be updated according to the optimizer after gradients are computed (forward-backward).